
Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Visit with Great Grandma

Elizabeth and Great Grandma Donna
Elizabeth and I took some time off after Christmas and took one day to go and visit with Great Grandma (since we were not able to make it to her house for Christmas Dinner on Christmas day).  It was actually really nice because I was able to sit and visit with her and we were able to share a wonderful afternoon together. 

Wanting to get up on Mommy's lap!
I was running late that morning so I stopped and bought two chicken sandwiches on my way to her house and we had a light lunch then I enjoyed some coffee and cookies later in the afternoon.  They were of course her famous roll out sugar cookies and she packaged up a small bag for me to bring home and enjoy.  Which I did gladly!

Playing cards at Great Grandma's house.
Elizabeth enjoyed playing with an old set of Great Grandma's cards.  We were teasing her that if she visited Great Grandma enough, she would be an expert at solitaire by the time she was 4 years old!  And she would also be an expert at putting together puzzles!  We also got Elizabeth to dance to the musical cards!  I will need to remember that Great Grandma likes those cards (well, she likes playing them for her great grandchildren) and get them for her throughout the year.  The ones she has now are getting rough and don't always work. 

It was so nice to spend the afternoon with her and I am looking forward to the next time Elizabeth and I can make the trip to her house!

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