
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gardening: 2013 - Round Two

Things are finally starting to grow a little bit at our little homestead. 

The garden seeds have been in the ground for over a week now and the lettuce has finally started to show signs of life.  Nothing else has sprouted yet, but those generally take a little longer as they are planted a little deeper into the ground.  All seeds were purchased in previous years (2010 and 2011) so I hope all will still work out okay.  They are heirloom seeds, so if I stored them properly, they should be okay.  I purchased my plants this year instead of starting from seed.  Someday I would love to have a small area in our basement to have some grow lights and a table to get things going.  My ultimate goal is to be able to save seed and always have the security of knowing I have the ability to plant a small garden to help supplement our food.

The former strawberry bed now hosts two zucchini and two summer squash.

I cannot wait to grill the zucchini and summer squash!  And have it in soup.  And raw on an antipasto pizza.  And shredded in muffins and quick breads. 

Parsnips, Carrots, Thyme, Chives (Regular & Garlic) and Lettuce sprouts.

I am so looking forward to my first big salad with homegrown lettuce!

The purchased plants.  Four tomatoes, four peppers, four basil, one parsley and one rosemary.

Everything looks to have taken well to the transplanting process! 

No signs of corn, green beans (from saved seed), sunflowers, peas or beets yet!

This post is shared at the Homestead Barn Hop hosted by New Life on a Homestead.

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