
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Projects

This is just an excerpt from my summer project list, and I doubt I will get all of it done, but most of the time if I write it down, it helps me to accomplish the goals I set.

1) Wash all draperies in the house and dry on the clothes line.
I have never washed the draperies in my house (I designed and sewed them almost two years ago and they are getting dusty).

2) Wash all mini blinds (and replace broken ones). We have Asian beetles and box elder bugs and over the winter one of these two bugs left their droppings on the window sills and mini blinds. I was able to spot clean most of the droppings, but I feel that I need to give the blinds a good scrubbing/power wash in the yard to remove any remaining traces...

3) Remove/Replace/Enlarge back deck. I do not wish to put my foot through the deck any more! Plus it would be nice to have a place to hang out when it is nice out (except the monster mosquitoes have invaded currently, so I hope they will go away so I can enjoy the deck once it is done!!!)

4) Scrape & Repaint trim work on house & garage. There are some spots that are needing a little TLC and I plan to tackle them this summer.

5) Upstairs bathroom. Touch up the drywall, paint and finish the two pieces of trim that need to be put into place.

6) Refinish furniture. This is going to be a huge project... I have an antique dresser that needs to be refinished (If we ever get pregnant, I plan to use this as the changing table/dresser for the baby) a sofa table and two end tables that need work... I would guess this would take me a week straight of working on just this project to finish it, so I will have to see what progress can be made.

7) Roof... We came home from the wedding to a big patch of shingles torn off the roof... I don't even want to think how much this project could cost if insurance will not cover it. My goal is simply to make a decision on what to do once the insurance adjuster has been out to look at the roof.

8) Go to my Uncle's cabin with my Mom & Sister for one weekend. I haven't been there since before my Dad passed away (6 years ago...). I miss it and would love to go back.

9) Go to Big Sandy Lake for a couple weekends.

10) Hang out with our friends in the city for a few nights.

That is just a few things I would like to get done. Summer always goes by so fast and so it is tough to enjoy the nice days AND get projects done. I am going to try to make a conscious effort this summer to do both and I will see how much gets done!

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