
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wedding Wishes

Have you ever been to a wedding that was so full of hope and love that it made you want to marry your husband or wife all over again? That was the wedding I was at last weekend of some of our friends. They have been together for a long time and we were so excited when Chris finally asked Jill to marry him. They had the wedding at a beautiful country club in Minnesota and we had a great time!

Chris went out to the altar to clear his mind before the ceremony.

The exchange of rings.

Looking towards the future together.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the wedding because we are looking at a new marriage almost through the eyes of a couple who has been married for a long time. I just like how the couple's gray hair frames the photograph of Chris and Jill. It is the new love and experienced love all at the same moment in time. The gentleman was leaning in towards his wife as they were holding hands when the vows were being recited.

Congratulations Chris & Jill!

See you when you get back from Hawaii!!!

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